53 years ago today, A great land of green pastures was set free. He became a man, he began to take responsibilities.
Things changed and events took place; Notable and Negligible, His people were loving, He was flowing with milk and honey.
Tragedy and set-backs recurrently disturbed His colony. Yet, He strived to give His people the best.
Soon, His people began to turn against themselves in discomfort and His friends began to see Him as a bad egg to the world.
However, a countable number of people didn't look upon Him as bad as they're generating all means to make Him great amidst all odds.
The one who was set free now became the one who sought freedom.
Corruption, Poor Education, Insecurity were his biggest challenges. Help Needed!
He's 53 today, a percentage of His people are celebrating him for greatness, others for mockery and disdain.
Nigerians! are we making a great nation?
Rub off the ink that stamps 'bad leaders' in your heart and let the great nation start from you.
Let's fight it together and not turn our back. Our youths should desist from getting bribe to vote for leaders without giving a second thought. Let us love one another and be in unity. The desperation for fame, money and power should be normalised and not excessively practised.
We are Nigerians, We are of the great nation Nigeria!
Happy 53rd Independence Day everyone!
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