Jessica Alba has confirmed she was body-checked and pushed by Kylie Jenner's security at the New York Fashion Week. In her interview with 'Watch What Happens Live' on Wednesday, the Honest Company boss gave her version of what really happened on September 13."I was just really shocked. I got, like, body checked.
And it was by two of them!" she told Andy Cohen. She recalled, "I was like, ‘What’s happening?!’ I thought there was a fire! I was like, ‘What’s going on?!’ But, I guess, someone was just leaving the building." Cohen, who had initially thought the claims were "blown out of proportion," was taken aback by Alba’s details, exclaiming, "Wow." The actress reiterated, "It was just really shocking."However, Alba doesn’t seem to have any hard feelings towards Jenner, though, pointing out that the teen probably didn’t even know it happened.
A rep for Jenner has not responded to a request for comment.Alba had a much better experience with Taylor Swift, when the two teamed up for the “Bad Blood” video. Cohen grilled Alba about being on the “Taylist squad,” and, not surprisingly, she had nothing but nice things to say.
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