Tuesday, 26 May 2015

B.B King's Daughter Believe The Legend Was Murdered

B.B King's Daughter Believe The Legend Was Murdered

Two little girls of B.B. King have guaranteed that soul legend was murdered. 

Little girls Karen Williams and Patty King affirm that relatives were kept from going by while King's business administrator, LaVerne Toney, and his own associate, Myron Johnson, hurried their dad's passing. 

“I believe my father was poisoned and that he was administered foreign substances,” Patty King and Williams

Drohobyczer will be speaking to Williams, Patty King and the majority of King's nine other grown-up kids and beneficiaries. 

“The family is sticking together … to oust Ms. Toney based on her illegal conduct, conflicts of interest and self-dealing,” Drohobyczer said.

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