Much the same as the Biblical story of the virgin conception of Jesus Christ, a Catholic Nun who was conveyed of a child kid, has guaranteed that she didn't know she was pregnant and can't advise how the pregnancy came to be.
As per Metro UK, the Sister whose name was not offered, fit in with an all-female shut request in Macerata, Italy, and was raced to close-by Bartolomeo Eustachio di San Severino healing center in the wake of whining of serious stomach torment, where she was astonished that she was convey a child for 9-months without knowing.
It was learnt that the pious devotee came to Italy in June, 2014, and stunned her kindred sisters with the claims that she had 'no clue' that she was pregnant.
This is second time a Nun from the same cloister would be conceiving an offspring as after a 33-year-old Salvadorian religious woman conceived an infant kid a year ago and named him after Pope Francis.
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