Mel Gibson could be on his way to becoming a father again. The actor is reported to be expecting his ninth child with his much younger girlfriend Rosalind Ross."Rosey suddenly gave up drinking about a month ago. And while she won't admit she's pregnant, she's not denying it either," a source tells New Idea magazine.
"[Rosey's] always said that she wanted to be a young mum and have three or four children" the source continued about the mother-to-be who first met the actor after she applied for a job at Mel's production company Icon.The 59-year-old 'Brave Heart' star has been dating the 24-year-old equestrian star-turned-aspiring film writer since July and the pair are currently in Sydney while he films 'Hacksaw Ridge'.
Father of eight Mel has seven children from his marriage to ex-wife Robyn, the eldest three - Hannah, followed by twins Edward and Christian - were born in Australia. He also has three other sons by Robyn; Louis, William, Milo and Thomas, the latter of whom was just 10 when the pair decided to officially split.
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