Monday, 7 September 2015

Jay Z caught singing, dancing to Beyonce's songs at 'Made In America' festival

Jay Z showed everyone that he is the leader of Beyonce's BeyHive by dancing and singing along to her songs while she was performing at the 'Made In America' festival on September 5. Instead of coming on stage during his wife's performance in Philadelphia, Jay simply enjoyed the epic show from a crowd's eyes with singer Nick Jonas, 22. The rapper went incognito at the concert ground wearing grey hoodie but he was still caught on a fan's camera belting out Bey's songs. Meaning Jay knows her songs by heart! When Beyonce turned up the heat with '7/11', that’s when Hov started turning up in the crowd. He danced along with the rest of Bey’s fans. He’s Beyonce’s ultimate fanboy, and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Jay was standing next to Nick for the duration for Beyonce’s performance. While Nick wasn’t quite as enthusiastic about it as Jay, he was likely worn out from his performance earlier in the day.
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