Monday, 24 August 2015

Mel Gibson attacks photographer in Sydney

Mel Gibson has been accused of attacking a Daily Telegraphphotographer named Kristi Miller outside the Australian Israeli Film Festival in Sydney on Sunday, but according to his rep, the shutterbug “made up the story.”

Shortly after Miller took two pictures of Gibson. 59, and his girlfriend Rosalind Ross, 24, leaving a movie theater, she claims the actor-director snapped and “shoved my back really hard” before unloading a string of curses at her that left her “shaken.”

The photographer told her paper, Gibson was “red in the face” and “out-of-control,” and “I thought he was going to punch me in the face.” Adding that the actor, who felt she was “disrespecting” him by taking photos, didn’t even stop to breathe as he was “abusing me” and “screaming.” Miller further alleged, “He was yelling at me, calling me a dog, saying I’m not even a human being and I will go to hell. He swore and called me a c**t.”

According to Miller, Gibson would have continued to berate her as “disgusting,” “worthless,” and a “vile person” had it not been for his girlfriend grabbing the star’s shoulder and telling him, “That is enough.” The photographer said Ross told her after wards, “I’m so sorry.”
Despite the accusations, Gibson’s rep says there was “no assault,” and that the photographer was “harassing” the actor and his friend, and while he was annoyed by her, he told Miller to “get a real job.”

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