Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Salawa Abeni and Kollington Ayinla back in each other’s arm

For those in tune with Fuji music in the 1980s, the names, Sir Kollinton Ayinla and Queen Salawa Abeni would be remembered as amongst the names that dominated the scene, not only through their music but also through the tempestuous relationship that existed between them.

The duo, though ended up as man and wife, but nobody who knew his/her right from left then musically, would ever forget the vitriolic, bitter and name-calling musical campaign the duo launched against each other. But after many years of estrangement the former lovers and bitter music antagonists are back in each other’s arms, even if only for the moment

E24-7 Magazine reported that the former lovers reunited at the eight day Fidau and burial ceremony of the late mother of Queen Salawa Abeni in Epe, Lagos State last Sunday. Recall that the Fuji queen had issues for the Fuji Maestro, so, he was essentially attending the burial of his children’s grandmother.

“ With open arms and courtesy, Queen Salawa Abeni welcomed Kollington to the event, attended also by other Fuji and Apala artistes including Adewale Ayuba, Shefiu Alao, Atawewe and other” reports E24-7.

Kollington was said to have sat very close to Salawa and their body language all through the day conveyed nothing but affection and intimacy as they talked, smiled and held hands.
This very much confirmed earlier claim by Kollington in an interview that they are still husband and wife. “We are husband and wife. She does not have a child for anybody else other than myself. I’m her bonafide owner and we are together till death do us apart.”

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