At least 95 Percent of Nigerians weather Rich or ‘Still Hustling’ depend on ‘Mama Put’ almost Everyday.
Shakar EL formerly known as Shakar el Swagga has finally composed a song to celebrate ‘Mama put’ and also to Appreciate our Mothers and Women in General… Our mothers prays for us everyday and even when they re in Heaven,they are still praying for us,they sacrifice a lot for us and went through pain for us so ‘A day’ is never enough to celebrate them.(Even if na for house dem cook am,na mama dey put am)
This is A Turn up Inspirational Celebration song for everyone that Love or miss Mama Put Food or Their Loving Mother!
Mama put was produced by Fliptyce, Mixed and Mastered by Teebeeo.
BBM PIN: 556E312A
WHATSAPP: 08099821118
TWITTER HANDLE: @naijatalkative
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