Sunday, 26 October 2014

World Of Freelancer

The non certainty of freelancing is the most fun aspect of freelancing. To some it is scary to cope with it but that is the joy of being a freelancer in any industry.

Find below the most scary things of being a freelancer:

1. The issue of filling for taxes, as the angle in which the different income flow will not make it easy for you to take note of some income. One has to try as much as possible to take note so you will not have the authority knocking down your door.

2. The inconsistency of the freelance work makes it difficult to be steady with an income level. This can be so difficult most especially when you have been out of contract for a long time.

3. To get client in the start, can be diffcult. In the sense that how will you be able to convinve a prospective client that you are the main guyfor that job in your industry. This coupled with the fact that you will be competing with some big guns for contract in your industry.

What do you consider the most important in the world of being a freelancer?

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