Sunday, 29 September 2013

Genevieve pushes threat to slap Skales

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In a song titled 'No Time', EME rapper, Skales mentioned that famous Nollywood actress, Genevieve was on top of his list and he wants to give her the D.
What's 'The D'? Who knows? Anyone?

This may eventually turn out bad as the Nollywood actress utterly detested the context. She said:

“Can you imagine that boy telling me he wants to give me the D ..what does he know, is the D sef? ..that is by the way..the next time i hear him mention my name in his lyrics again, I’m gonna give him a dirty slap, he’ll never forget..what sort of nonsense, am I his mate? how much does he have?”

Oh well, looks like someone would be getting a 'S' in exchange for a 'D'.


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