Wednesday, 22 February 2012

More than 15 children have been raped in Gombe State this first Quarter

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Over 15 children have been raped in Gombe state between January and February says Child Protection Network.
It was reported that most of the children raped in the state are between the ages of 6 and 14.
“Rape is becoming something else in the state,
the Society and other people need to stand up
and do something about it, because just from January to February now we have more than 15 cases of rape. When you look at them just small children from the age of 9,6, 14 – just children.” - Mrs Fatima Birma, Legal Adviser to CPN.
“Parents should make sure that they go to the court; they should report the matter to the police and the appropriate things to be done, should be done, like going to the hospital, examining the child immediately.” she said.

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