Charly Boy has opened up on the circumstances in the nation and how sad everything appears to be in a piece he titles "You".
The "Area Fada" discusses how the numerous imaginative, dynamic and persevering Nigerians are administered by a couple of rabble, slime buckets, fraudsters and foragers. He additionally says the 2015 decisions hold no trust.
He Has this to say:
My personal person, personally I know what you
are going through this season, these are crazy times, and most of us are
about to snap, life is really unpredictable with its twisted sense of
I dey feel you die my guy, I
understand your pain, your hopelessness in an environment that has
promised so much but have given so little. With this mass unemployment,
consistent frustration and stagnation, coupled with the anticipation of
who will lead you in 2015, how can you break this jinx you ask?
represent you all in this wilderness in the middle of nowhere. I know
the frustration you face in trying to carve a niche for yourself, a
place to be rooted, something to engage your being with, and something
to make you look forward to tomorrow.
am sure you want something to live for and find your way to joy. My
person, I know e don tey wey your life dey waka anyhow, I see how so
many of us have lost faith in this country with many more convinced that
there can be no chance of a turn around, because they see Naija as a
lost case.
Those that have power and are
in power, are far too comfortable to notice the pain of those who
suffer, and those who suffer have no power to speak the truth to power,
on one hand are those corrupted by power, and on the other, are those
corrupted by weakness and foolish fear(Worse still 2015 election brings
no hope with it).
However critical our
situation is, it is time for exceptional Naijas to rescue us; no race
ever made it this far without breaking away from the clutches of
sycophants and narrow minded mindset. Germany lost Hitler; America
released the slaves and let the plantation rot. Great Britain finally
stopped trying to colonize everybody and beat a wise retreat into their
own backyard.
Egyptian youths have had
enough, even Ghana called a spade a spade, and because they did, they
are doing better. Name names, browse through the civilizations, you will
see this painful rugged road stretch out ahead of mankind like a
mathematical formula surviving on the strength of its validity.
must confess that I have had periods of extended self-pity, sometimes I
have felt conned by this country, some other times I wish I was still
at the prime of my youth so I could really lash out physically on all
those who have sold our future. We have all ended up trusting nobody and
believing in nobody. Still, I have faith that is why I will always
believe in the "exceptional" few who I know can salvage what's left of
our country.
And you may just be one of
them. It has been story, story, story for decades now as we commenced
our fast forward descend. It is shameful, it is unbelievable that in a
country packed full with more than a few very creative, progressive,
hardworking intellectuals, we let riffraff, scumbags, fraudsters,
scavengers hold sway, hummmmmmmm, what a mess.
the East to the West, from the South to the North, from the senate to
the executives all I see is the growing number of scammers and
gangsters. Even this coming election na scam, but are we just going to
sit and watch? My guy, this home grown ‘Demoncrazy’ is turning into
something worse than ‘kleptocracy’. For people without integrity we know
that nothing else matters to them. My guy, we cannot afford to ignore
our future and allow the privileged few to extinguish us. Hummmmmm!!!!
are asking me what we should DO? My guy, just be the change YOU want to
see first. The rot has gone way past those at the top.
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