Monday, 6 July 2015

Kim Kardashian Threatens To Sue Paparazzi Hawking Her Nude Photo

Kim Kardashian Threatens To Sue Paparazzi Hawking Her Nude Photo

Kim Kardashian might be naked all the time but she wants to be the only one selling the nakedness for money  art.

The reality star who has stripped down to her oily ass a million and one times, is reportedly threatening a photo agency called X17 that’s hawking her nudes.

The agency which reportedly got on a helicopter, hovered around Kim’s house and got several nude shots of her while she was outside by the pool, is apparently lying according to Kim’s lawyer, Marty Singer.

Singer claims Kim was wearing a bikini and was not entirely naked and has threatened to sue the photo agency for invasion if any pictures of the star gets out.

TMZ reports the photos have since been removed.

Wonder if anyone cares about more nude photos of Kim? I mean, it is not like the world has not seen enough.

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