It looks like Brad Pitt and Ryan Gosling have something in common.
Just weeks after Gosling fired off an angry letter to Costco and took a stand against the retail giant for selling eggs produced by caged chickens, Pitt has now done the same.
Pitt's letter to Costco's CEO Craig Jelinek, he wrote, "As you know,
these birds producing eggs for your shelves are crammed five or more
into cages that are not large enough for even one hen to spread her
these cruel cages, the animals' muscles and bones atrophy from years of
immobilization. That's why the cages are illegal in most of Europe, and
why California banned the cages by an overwhelming vote years ago," the
Fury star added. "In short, cramming hens into cages for their
entire lives constitutes cruelty to animals, and animals deserve
better. As you know, many major corporations, from Burger King to
Unilever, are getting rid of cages—and Whole Foods hasn’t sold eggs from
caged hens in years."
The letter, however, ends with both a compliment and a plea.
admire Costco's many positive social commitments," Pitt noted. "You've
shown great courage and integrity on a range of issues. Won't you please
extend that sensibility—and basic decency—to chickens? Please, will you
set a reasonable timeframe to stop selling eggs from caged hens?"
Costco first announced plans to move towards cage-free eggs back in 2007, but the company has yet to set a timeline for that goal.
The Associated Press
reports that in a statement from June, the company wrote there are
"vigorous debates about animal welfare and laying hens. Some, such as
the Humane Society, advocate that hens be 'cage free,' and not confined
in cages. Some advocate that cages are safer for hens."
it remains to be seen if Pitt and Gosling have motivated the company to
move towards cage-free eggs, Pitt did say he looks forward to a
And even though Pitt may not be making a Costco stop for eggs, he did make a Subway run.
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