A challenging 17 year old young lady in Chiang Mai, Thailand has irritated neighborhood occupants on the grounds that she bunjee jumped with truly no garments on it.
The trick which was presented on a social networking site prior in May has been censured vigorously by individuals in Thailand.
As indicated by China News the female thrill seeker is a model in Hong Kong and guaranteed that her employment obliged her to do the bounce.
Before she bounced, she wore a dark swimsuit, and uprooted it before hopping. The challenging trick was recorded by her companions on the ground.
Inhabitants of Chiang Mia, a city known for its bright culture were pissed over the naked trick. The bare presentation did not go unnoticed by the police who did not need the trick discolor the notoriety of the city.
After examination, the police discovered the organization behind the trick. Bancha Chulakul was the representative behind the bunjee bounce. He has apologized to the general population and said he didn't think the feature would be a viral sensation.
He was taken into guardianship and paid a fine of $30.
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