he actress is 35 yesterday and here’s a message she wrote to wish herself a happy birthday with the photo above.
I come from a world where it's easy to put the other down. I come from a country where it's even easier to talk down and pull the other down without knowing the real deal. Assumptions and insinuations. Hatred and untruths. Anger and bitterness... BUT I come from a God who despite all of these things has held on to me faithfully. He has kept my head above high waters and my feet from sinking sand. More so I have a family that's my back bone and my shoulder that sits my head firmly on my neck.
Today as I am a year older, I say Thank you Jesus for keeping me, Thank you my family for loving and standing by me and a Big Thank you to you all (near and far) for loving me still... I am grateful! #grateful4anotheryear #NwunyeFranklin #Birthdaygirl
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