Friday, 23 January 2015

Painter With A Difference, He Paint With His Penis...

Painter With A Difference, He Paint With His Penis...
I present to you Pricasso, the mixed and erratic Australian who paints with his penis.

In the event that the genuine characteristic of a craftsman can be unfolded through the apparatuses of his exchange, then Pricasso, the Australian craftsman who paints pictures with his penis, ought to be a pioneer in the loosest feeling of the term.

Wearing an oversized pink cowpoke cap and an ostentatious pink thong to match, this striking groin inventor can make you a painted creation of Bill Clinton "not" participating in sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky in fifteen minutes or less.

In a restrictive meeting with Intouchweekly, when inquired as to whether he chose to plunge his penis in some paint on an arbitrary day, he said, "Essentially," (importance he does), so we're still not by any means beyond any doubt how he found this odd ability, yet we're super happy he did on the grounds that his last items are really great.

Pricasso clarifies he's changed to a hand crafted paint that is better for "delicate skin."

He further unveiled that he profits off the Internet.

Painter With A Difference, He Paint With His Penis...

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