Saturday, 10 January 2015

Nothing To Point To As President Jonathan Achievement - Lagos State Governor Fashola

Lagos State governor, Babatunde Fashola, is miserable about the discourse that President Goodluck Jonathan gave at the PDP 2015 banner off campaign in Lagos.

Talking on Thursday amid the Edo Town Hall meeting, Fashola is said to have expressed that the president was not able to outline any achievements he had made in his most recent six years or changes he wanted to actualize if re-chose.

    “Today, you have listened to a vice presidential candidate telling you in 29 minutes many things you will never hear at a rally because the time for such discussions doesn’t exist for many Nigerian want to interrogate people making empty promises, the governor said.

    But we chose to be different because we are bustling with ideas. We know ideas can change things. He (Osinbajo) has spoken to you for 29 minutes. He has been on this assignment for only three weeks and he has discussed power with you, he has discussed employment with you, he has discussed agriculture with you, he has discussed welfare scheme, health care, youth development with you without reading any speech. He has been there for three weeks only and he has not been yet elected.

    Now what is on the other side (PDP), because I spent about an hour listening to the president in my state? For almost the same period I saw a very angry president. I saw a president who is lamenting about people judging his performance and blaming all those who ruled before him, forgetting that he has been on this job for six years.

    And he kept saying ‘they say we don’t have a plan’ and for almost 45 minutes he did not reveal a plan on security, he did not reveal a plan on corruption. I listened to him. Now after six years without being able to articulate what he has done and what he will do but blaming everybody and forgetting that he is the Commander-in-Chief. If the kitchen is becoming too hot as it’s becoming obvious he must get out of it.”

    …this election is going to be about job approval. It is not about where you come from; it is not about how young he is; it is job approval after six years. Are you happy with your situation?

    So if after six years he has not been able to explain to you what he is doing with your time, with your resource – 52 % revenue formula, do you want to continue another four years?”

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