Thursday, 6 November 2014

Meet Matthew a British Entrepreneur

Matthew C Martino is a British Entrepreneur, Author and Philanthropist. We managed to get an interview with him to discuss his businesses Lets Fly Academy, MMD-Tech and his new charitable trust MMBF.

1 1) What inspired you to launch your site, and how did you choose the name, "Lets Fly Academy"?

I had just written my pilots manual Lets Fly and this Academy was going to be the support for that and provide more resources, information and support for aspiring pilots so I decided to name it Lets Fly Academy  and this helped in branding it as people who would have read my book would recognise the Academy.

2) How did you first get interested in been an Author?

Back in 2010 I started having an interest in writing, the problem was I was always busy doing hundreds of things so I couldn’t really just focus on one thing and when I finally got to writing Lets Fly it got interested and I followed on with Go For It it just got better, I also wrote some short film scripts which I managed to produce and one was directed by Daniel De Ath.

3) How would you compare the creative work of developing apps with the creative process of writing?
Well creating an App is more technical, the apps I have helped develop and sat in on the coding sessions its more about the technical knowledge and algorithms so my colleagues at MMD-Tech are quite brainy, writing on the other hand is a skill, an art which you either have or you don’t have.

4) When you think about your life over the next few years, what do you imagine yourself doing?

In the next few years I don’t really know, I’ve just been living every day as it comes. I’m currently working on growing Lets Fly Academy, investing in developing more Apps at MMD-Tech and obviously with the MMBF I am hoping the charitable trust will help many young people out there. I ideally want to in a few years concentrating on a few businesses and ventures and being hands on, at the moment as I’m doing so many things I have to delegate a lot of work which means I don’t get too involved.

5) What has the Matthew Martino Benevolent Fund being able to achieve with it existence?

The MMBF which launched on my 22nd birthday has managed to successfully launch the Matthew Martino Rising Star Award with Colchester Film Festival, we are also lining up some sponsorships for other initiatives that support young people. We are in talks to introduce sponsored film courses and form partnerships with flight schools to offer grants for certain courses. I’m proud of the work the team are doing and although I’m not too involved with it at the moment, I’ve made plans to get more stuck in with the charity and help filmmakers and pilots on the frontline.

Thank You Matthew
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