Friday, 6 January 2012

Gunmen attacks Church and kills 5 people including Pastor's Wife

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Gunmen have attacked a church in north-east Nigeria (Gombe to be Precise) during a prayer service on Thursday, killing at least five people and wounding others in an assault that occurred amid an increasingly violent campaign by a radical Muslim sect.
This Incident happened after the expiration of ultimatum given Christians and Southerners to leave the North by Boko Haram. This made people Suspect Boko Haram as the cause of the Incident.

The Church Pastor, Johnson Jauro said the gunfire sprayed the Deeper Life Church in Gombe, the capital of Gombe state, injuring several worshippers and killing his wife and two others. Two other people later died at the hospital from their wounds.

Local police spokesman Ahmed Muhammad confirmed the attack, but declined to say how many people the gunmen killed and wounded.

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